There I was, 5 years old and all set up in the living room to play Monopoly with my aunts. When they arrived, I immediately waved them over to join me in the game! I was so excited. They looked at me and said, no way, we can't sit on the floor and play a board game, we will never get back up! To the 5-year-old me, it was devastating. In that moment, I vowed that I would never get to the point that I could not sit on the floor for a game of Monopoly with the kids!
Fast forward 50 years and there I was, groaning as I tried to put on my socks. MY SOCKS! WHAT?????? I was my aunts!!!!! It didn't happen in a bang, it sneaked in through the back door of not taking care of myself. Like many of you, that have just let a few pounds sneak up on you, or a few aches in the joints, or a little bit of brain fog that has crept in and we didn't notice.
I believe we were created to be healthy and enjoy life as we get a few more years on us. There is so much against us though. Marketing and advertising selling us junk food. Grocery stores that are filled with aisles of preservatives, sugar and dyes. The world is stacked against us. I fixed my issues and now I feel great! My wedding ring fits again. My Sudoku times went from 7 minutes to 4 minutes. I have not walked into a room and thought "what did I come in here for?" in 2 years! My joints feel great and I can sit on the floor and play a board game. There are solutions that help us get healthy. I feel better than I did when I was 20 and I know I am stronger!
I talk about my journey a little bit more in my latest podcast, Episode
34: Socks Linked to Fear? if you would like to hear a little more about my journey back to health.