This is so filled with controversy! I am going to try and share all sides of this. So, I guess I am saying, it depends.
From my experience, there are so many areas of "horses" that tones my stomach and riding is only one of them. Did you see the movie Karate Kid? Wax on, wax off? Well, when I groom my horses, it works and tones all the stomach muscles. My horses are 16'2, 1300 pounds, and they lean into grooming. That means I lean back. I use two brushes or two mitts at the same time so I get double the workout. I would definitely say that if you want grooming to tone your stomach, than yes, it can.
The second area that tones my stomach is mucking, or any chores. I really focus on my core lifting the fork and then lifting and carrying the muck bucket. Carrying bales of hay and feed buckets. Pulling weeds in the pasture (bonus 100's of squats on this one). All are great for working on your core, if you focus on those muscles as you do the work.
Now for the original question, does horse riding tone your stomach?
Well, this depends. I have been on both sides of this. Ok, there are probably many sides to this but here are my two. Riding jumpers uses the abs. I definitely tone my stomach training and showing jumpers. When I don't ride for a bit, boy, I feel my abs after I ride again. The other end of the spectrum is a lovely relaxing trail ride. I think I still used my abs some, since when I did most of my trail riding, it was bareback. But nothing like jumping. I think there are ways to use and tone the core no matter what riding you do if you place focus on it. Even trail riding, if you do lateral work on the trail, moving the horse to the right and then to the left, you could engage your core.
I think a lot of it is what you are focusing on while riding and if you are trying to tone your stomach.
If you would like some ideas on grooming (#2 is what I do for my core and my horses coat), just click here to get my free guide, 3 Ways to Keep Your Horses Coat and Skin Healthy!