Master Your Mind: Transform Anxiety into Empowering Energy

Master Your Mind: Transform Anxiety into Empowering Energy
As I was polishing my boots and cleaning my tack, the nausea was taking over, the debilitating fear was building and building fast.  Here I was, paying thousands of dollars to compete, and feeling like it was a disaster of epic proportions.  Like many of you, when my mind spiraled into a whirlwind of anxiety, it felt like everything was working against me.

I believe we can harness that very energy and transform it into a force that propels us forward. It starts with understanding our body's response and learning how to manage our response to turn those nerves into your biggest ally.

In our latest podcast episode, "Nervous System Takeover" we explored the fascinating connection between physical sensations and mental states. We discussed how tension in the body fuels anxiety in the mind, the similarities between excitement and nervousness, and how "what ifs" can trigger shallow breathing and a freeze response. This blog post delves deeper into these concepts, offering practical tips to help you master your mind and harness anxiety as a powerful tool.

Understanding the Nervous System
- Flight, Fight, or Freeze Response: We are no different than our horses in so many ways. When our anxiety starts to build, we may just want to run away, push through anyway, or just stay stuck.  This is our cue to do something different.  It is time to take some deep breaths, reframe the situation into something positive, and bring us back to enjoying what we are doing, right now in this moment, just like we would do with our horses.

Turning Anxiety into Excitement
- Reframing Nervousness: We can change the feelings of stress and anxiety, to feelings of excitement, just like when we were little and found out we were going to Disneyland.  Our mind can reinterpret nerves into excitement. Think about the trigger of anxiety and find one thing you look forward to.  Close your eyes and visualize growing bigger, filling you up, and replacing the anxiety—until you can feel the excitement taking over.

The Power of Awareness
- Identifying Triggers: I love this one.  It is so simple and very powerful.  When you think about what causes you anxiety, figure out the very first thought that you have that starts that anxiety building.  That is the trigger.  Reframe that very first step.  Example: When my horse lifts her head, that was my trigger thinking she would rear.  I reframed it so that when she lifts her head, she is being curious, and I can play with her curiosity.  It felt so much better to think of the reframe and I have enjoyed her lifting her head since then.

By understanding your nervous system and learning to manage your body's response, you can transform anxiety into a powerful ally. Instead of letting your nerves control you, harness that energy to propel you forward and achieve your goals. To really get some help with transforming your anxiety, I would love to chat with you about our Courage Coaching program which will walk you through each step.  Schedule here!

3 Tips to Boost Confidence in Horse Riding

3 Tips to Boost Confidence in Horse Riding
As I was building my confidence back after my accident, I realized how much anxiety and confidence are intertwined.  I would get on and ride and feel so good and then my horse would spook at a deer, and I would have anxiety flood back in again.  The two danced back and forth like doing the Tango!  The one thing it forced me to realize is that I could not give up on gaining confidence.  I had to keep working through the anxiety to get the confidence back or I was going to lose my joy for riding, forever.

Here are my top three tips for playing with this balance and helping Confidence get the upper hand:

Self-Discovery - Recognize Your Unique Strengths

What makes you unique? Understand and embrace your strengths. It’s time to shine a spotlight on your skills.  Take a few moments and actually put pen to paper and write down your skills, the things about you that allow you to accomplish your goals and enjoy your life.  This will help you see where confidence plays a role in your life.

Mastery - The Path to Excellence

How did you become skilled? Reflect on your journey, the hours of practice, and the dedication that got you here. It didn't happen overnight.  It was a journey, a journey worth celebrating!  

Confidence - Thriving Beyond Doubt

Take steps even when anxiety is present.  It isn't always easy but it is extremely rewarding.  By taking a few steps, in spite of the anxiety, you are showing your mind that you are worthy of confidence.  The focus on taking the steps will help to bring more confidence along for the next time anxiety starts to creep in.  Embrace your fears, and let’s turn them into steppingstones towards your success.

Ready for a deeper dive into overcoming riding fears? Let's have a complimentary chat and see if a hypnotherapy session could help you gain confidence and shrink the anxiety much faster than traditional techniques!  

Tackle Self-Doubt: Your Pre-Ride Confidence Plan

Tackle Self-Doubt: Your Pre-Ride Confidence Plan
After my accident, self-doubt hit me harder than the fall itself. It wasn’t just about riding—I started questioning everything. How did I miss the warning signs? Could I really do my job? Start a business? That small seed of doubt grew, creeping into areas of my life I had never questioned before.
Sound familiar? Many of us experience moments of self-doubt that, if left unchecked, take root and spread. But here’s the thing: challenges like self-doubt aren’t meant to break us. They’re meant to shape us. If we shift our perspective, we can use them to grow into who we’re meant to be.

How to Turn Self-Doubt into Confidence

🐴 Recognize & Thank the Doubt
Instead of fighting self-doubt, acknowledge it. Why is this here? What is it trying to teach me? When you express gratitude for doubt, it loses its grip. Instead of feeling like an enemy, it becomes a stepping stone toward growth.

🐴 Take Opposite Action
Self-doubt says, You’re not ready. Flip it! If I doubted my horse was ready for me to get on, I created a checklist—just like a pilot before flying a plane. Having clear steps transformed fear into certainty. Create your own checklist to counteract your self-doubt.

🐴 Stack Your Confidence
Each small win builds confidence. Once I tackled my checklist, I added more tools: a helmet, a vest, a grab strap—layers of confidence, like wrapping up in Charmin! (Because who doesn’t want that extra cushion of security? 😆)

Self-doubt doesn’t mean you’re not capable. It’s an opportunity to step up and prove to yourself just how capable you really are. The question is: What’s one action you can take today to turn doubt into confidence?

Want to replace self-doubt with confidence? Grab my Pre-Ride Confidence Checklist—a simple guide to ensure both you and your horse are ready to ride. Download it here! 

Rediscovering the Joy of Horses

Rediscovering the Joy of Horses
Fear has a sneaky way of making us forget why we started riding in the first place. It can turn something we once loved into a source of stress, causing us to overthink every step. But what if we could tap back into the effortless joy we used to feel?

Instead of focusing on what could go wrong, let’s take a new approach—one that brings back the excitement, wonder, and deep connection that horses once gave us.

A Different Way to Find Confidence 

Confidence doesn’t always come from pushing through fear. Sometimes, it comes from remembering what it felt like before fear took over. Think about when you first fell in love with horses—before anxiety, before self-doubt. 

Was it the feeling of freedom? 
The trust between you and your horse? 
The simple happiness of being in the moment?

Try this: Find an old picture of yourself with a horse or write about a favorite horse memory. What did that version of you believe? How did they see riding differently than you do now?

Feel Before You Think 

When fear creeps in, we tend to analyze everything—what could go wrong, how we might fail, what mistakes we need to avoid. But confidence doesn’t start in the mind. It starts in the body.
Instead of overthinking your next ride, try this: Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and let yourself feel what it’s like to ride with joy. Imagine the rhythm of the trot, the steady beat of hoofprints in the sand, the way your horse responds to your cues. Let your body remember that sensation before you even step into the stirrup.

Bring Playfulness Back Into the Saddle 

Fear often makes us take riding too seriously. But horses don’t live in the past or the future—they live in the moment. What if you let yourself do the same?
Try this: The next time you ride, set a small, playful goal. Maybe it’s playing a game like "I Spy", trying a new path, or simply laughing at your horse’s silly antics. Give yourself permission to enjoy the ride without pressure.

Confidence isn’t something you force—it’s something you rediscover. And sometimes, the best way forward is to take a new route back to joy.

Ready to build your confidence and shift your mindset?

Boost your confidence in just 7 days! 🐴 Get your daily journal prompt, affirmation, and action step—join the challenge now! March 17 - 23, 2025 (replays available after this)

Shifting Your Mindset

Shifting Your Mindset

We’ve all been there, standing at the mounting block, gripping the reins, and bracing for something to go wrong. But what if we flipped the script? What if, instead of preparing for failure, we opened ourselves up to success?

The way we think about riding shapes our experience in the saddle. Fear keeps us stuck in worst-case scenarios, but courage invites us to consider: What if everything goes right?

The Power of a Positive "What If"

Your brain is wired to protect you. When you imagine falling, freezing up, or making a mistake, your body responds as if it’s happening in real time. But here’s the secret: your brain also responds to positive visualizations. If you picture yourself riding with ease, feeling the rhythm, and handling challenges with confidence, your body will start to believe in that reality.

Try this: Before your next ride, close your eyes and imagine it going exactly how you want. See yourself breathing deeply, feeling connected to your horse, and finishing with a smile.

Train Your Brain to Expect Success

We often rehearse failure without even realizing it. We replay past mistakes, dwell on fears, and assume the worst. But you can retrain your mind to expect success. Start small—catch yourself when you’re predicting disaster and replace that thought with a positive possibility.
Instead of: What if I lose control?
Try: What if I ride with confidence?
Instead of: What if my horse spooks?
Try: What if we stay calm and connected?

Live in the Moment

When we’re stuck in the “what ifs,” we miss out on what’s actually happening. Instead of worrying about what might go wrong, be present with what is going right. Feel the warmth of the sun, listen to your horse’s breathing, and appreciate the simple joy of being in the saddle.

Courage isn’t the absence of fear—it’s choosing to ride anyway. So, what if today is the day it all goes right?

7 Day Confidence Challenge:

Boost your confidence in just 7 days, and it is free! 🐴 Get your daily journal prompt, affirmation, and action step—join the challenge now! March 17 - 23, 2025 (replays after those dates)

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