I was sitting on my pretty grey mare, tears streaming down my face as my trainer yelled at me, "Make her move, now!" I had tried everything, but I couldn’t get her to budge. Frustrated, I got off and handed her to my trainer to "fix" the situation for me.
That day is etched in my memory as a moment when I was rigid—both physically and mentally. This experience fueled my fears, leaving me uncertain about how to cultivate flexibility. Eventually, I realized I needed to confront my fears instead of simply handing my horse off to someone else. By the time I sold her, I had learned some valuable lessons.
The Role of Mental Flexibility in Overcoming Fear:
Just as a horse can become stuck, I found myself in a similar mental state—frozen, staring blankly at the challenge ahead. I recognized that when working with horses, I would distract them to encourage movement. I needed to apply the same principle to myself. I learned to mentally redirect my focus, distracting myself from fear and refocusing my energy. Instead of curling up in a mental fetal position, I chose to embrace flexibility in my thoughts.
The Role of Physical Flexibility in Overcoming Fear
My mental rigidity translated to my body, causing it to shut down. Looking back at photos from that day, I noticed how slouched and curled up I appeared—essentially fetal while sitting on my horse. Since then, I’ve discovered that even a small adjustment, like lifting my head, can significantly boost my confidence. That tiny shift makes me want to straighten my shoulders and sit taller. I was amazed to find that this minor physical flexibility encouraged my horse to free up her feet and start moving. She could sense that I was ready to go.
Recently, my anxiety and fear have dropped to zero and calm has taken over. I have received a number of hypnotherapy sessions, and it has added so much to my flexibility mentally. If you have ever been curious about hypnotherapy and reducing fear and anxiety, schedule a chat with me to see if it would be a good fit for you. Hypnochat with Me!