How often do people get hurt riding horses?

How often do people get hurt riding horses?
How often do people get hurt riding horses is such an interesting question.  There is so much fear and anxiety around getting hurt riding horses, but I wonder, if the hours spent worrying are more than the hours spent actually recovering from an injury.  I am just going to go with my experience and share with you.

My first pony, an unbroke 2-year-old Shetland pony stallion, that we gelded, and I trained to trail ride, when I was 5, I fell off once.  I had probably an hour a day with him, for a year and a half, so let's go conservative and say 300 hours.  The one time I fell off, he had just had his feet trimmed and he jumped over me to keep from stepping on me and clipped the back of my head.  It was 5 stitches and no recovery time.  So let's say 5 hours of injury recovery.

My second pony, also a 2-year-old unbroke, but this time, POA filly.  When I was about 9, I actually had to stop counting because I had been bucked off over 480 times.  Having her for 3 years, and hundreds of hours of riding, and 480 times hitting the dirt, I had no injuries, just depressed from not being able to stay on her.  We even had a mountain lion attack us once and we both made it home without her bucking me off!  No injuries.

I think my next 6 or 7 horses, from when I was 10 until I was 24 or 25, I didn't have any falls or accidents.  I competed in hunters, equitation, worked on a ranch riding their horses, trail riding, etc. and would have added up to 1000's of hours of riding.  I then had a fall in a jumper class, no injuries, got back on and competed in the next class.  I had a few more falls here and there but no injuries.  Then, I had my major accident which I talk about in my book.  That one still didn't have any injuries other than bruising, to my physical body but it was the start of the emotional battle.

So here are my thoughts.  The more time spent in the saddle, the less chance of getting injured.  You get more in tune with your horse, with you, and with your reactions. So, if getting back into riding, start out slow, and build on the riding. Accidents do happen.  So prepare your body the best that you can.  I take care of my health.  My skin was getting thin, I fixed it.  My body was getting stiff and sore, I fixed it.  I was gaining a little weight, I fixed it.  I have a passion to ride.  I want to ride.  I love to ride.  The thousands of hours of joy are worth the chance of getting hurt, but I also do everything in my power to eliminate the risks.

If you are intersted in hearing more about how I have improved my health, here is a link to the amazing coaching program and support group that I am part of.  Would love to have you join us!  Get Healthy Now!

How do you recover from an accident mentally?

How do you recover from an accident mentally?
That quickness of breath, the sweaty palms, the tension rising in the body happens to me when I think about my accident.  The interesting thing is watching my horses and realizing that they also feel the memories of accidents.  I can see their neck arch, their breathing increases, maybe even to the point of snorting, and their whole-body fills with tension.

I am so good at working with my horses, to help them overcome their memories of accidents.  But I wasn't as good at doing the same thing for me and I really started to look at the differences.  With my horses, I would teach them to relax.  I have a few favorite tools that I use to get them "up" and then I show them how to relax.  I have to change their memory of what happened by showing them a different way to be, showing them, they are in control of their emotion.

Wow, showing them control.  That is also the key for us, or at least it was for me.  I looked back at the accident, and I dissected it.  What led up to it?  How did it happen?  Were there signs I could have seen before it happened?  Even if I didn't know the answers, I could put the things in place to at least going forward, control the pre-accident situation.

It was so powerful to put the pieces into place to know that I had prepared myself to prevent future accidents.  Can they still happen, yes, but that feeling of control helped in the recovery from the accident mentally.  It built my confidence and courage and allowed me to continue enjoying riding.  I really thought about a car accident I had; did it stop me from driving?  Why let the horse accident stop me from riding?

The pieces I put in place are my pre-ride checklists.  One for the rider, is my mind right.  And one for the horse, are they ready to be ridden.  I feel like a pilot checking out an airplane before a flight.  It is methodical.  It is predefined.  They follow it exactly, every time they fly.  It prevents accidents to the best of the ability.  We can do the same for riding our horses and bring a piece of mind, even after an accident.

If you enjoyed this, you might enjoy my free guide:  3 Ways to Stop Panic

How do I stop obsessing over what if?

How do I stop obsessing over what if?
This applies to so many things in life!  What if I lose my job, my money, my health, etc.?  There are so many things in life that can pull us into the "What if" bucket.  Horses and people that have had an accident with a horse, seem to send the what if imagination into overdrive.  How do we turn that around?

Here are my thoughts.

1. It takes observation!  When we notice we have a negative what if thought, about anything, switch it to something positive.  Example: What if I fall off my horse?  STOP!  Change it to What if I have an amazing, relaxing ride!  What if's haven't happened yet, so why not pick things that make us feel good instead of picking stuff that makes us feel bad?

2.  We can practice.  Sit on your couch, or better yet, lay down in the yard watching the clouds go by, doesn't matter but get comfortable.  Bring up your BIG what if.  Think about it.  Notice how you emotionally feel.  Notice how you physically feel.  Then create an amazing what if.  Put a lot of detail into it.  Put all your senses into it.  Example: What if we have a lovely ride.  We are in sync, and I can feel the rhythm of my horse's feet.  We feel like we are dancing together, as one.  We soak up the sunshine and can feel the light breeze on our cheeks.  After you do this, really feel the difference.  Physically and emotionally.

3. Look at the root of your what if's.  Was it a memory, is it imagination?  What is the base to your what if.  Once you have that, make a choice to change it.  For me, my root was an accident.  I focused on changing the memory of my accident, into a vivid cartoon.  Now, when I think what if my horse flips, I laugh.  I see Wile-E-Coyote and the Road Runner.  

Most importantly, live your life with joy.  If you enjoy riding, or used to, find a way to get back into the saddle and enjoy!

If you would like to see the process I went through, here is a link to my book about my journey back to courage and getting over my "What if's"!  Get the book now!

Does Rider Confidence help Horse Confidence?

Does Rider Confidence help Horse Confidence?
It was a warm day, riding along, enjoying our horses, when all of a sudden, a hot air balloon comes up over the horizon.  It is about 50 feet from us and is loud.  I had no idea how loud a balloon can be when they are heating the air.  I jumped at the sight of the balloon!  My horse and I panicked and ran the other direction.  This was a case where my fear definitely contributed to the horse's fear!  It took both of us a while to calm our heart rate and for me to stop shaking.  

Let's look at this from hindsight and what I know now.

After attending a police clinic training, I don't think I would have panicked.  My horse still might have, but I don't think I would have.  The first thing they talked about, was focusing on where you are going, about a hundred feet ahead of you and ride to that spot.  At about the 50 foot mark, adjust your focus out to 100 feet again and repeat.  I think by focusing on where you are heading, your horse has confidence in you as a leader that you know where you are going.  I have started playing "I spy" with my horses and it is really fun and helps me focus.

I believe that if I had been focusing that day, and not just dilly dallying around, we would not have spooked.  So, if my fear contributes to a horses fear, I am going to also say, that my confidence builds confidence in the horse and the horse's confidence in me as leader.  For horses, the leader is who keeps them from dying, keeps them safe.  It is that way for us too, but we may not recognize it.

Does Rider Confidence help Horse Confidence? I would say yes, it really does help.

If you have enjoyed this and would like a few tips on how I built my confidence, check out my 3 Ways to Build Courage with Your Horse!

What are the risks of horse riding?

What are the risks of horse riding?
I have heard so many people ask, what are the risks of horse riding, or isn't it risky or dangerous to ride a horse?

The answer is yes, it is risky.  I think most people fear getting hurt and that is the risk that can hold them back. 

When I look back at the 1000's of hours, I have spent riding, I have had a few injuries while actually riding them, a few more being around them, and thankfully, none of them, for me, were serious physically.  There have been a few that impacted my anxiety and fear more than the physical injury.  But then I look back at all the things I do that are risky, and not involving horses, and really, they don't bring me the joy that riding does so there are tradeoffs.

I have been kicked.  I have been bitten.  I have been bucked off, I quit counting at 483 because it was too depressing.  I have had a mountain lion jump on the butt of my pony and we both lived to tell about it.  I have been jumped out of the saddle over a 4' oxer and knocked myself out on the withers coming back down and fallen off (in front of Bill Gates!).  I have had a horse run backwards and flip over on top of me.  It took me a while to think of all of this, but I did want you to see that there is risk.

Now for the flipside.  I have ridden to the tops of mountains for a BBQ lunch and spectacular views.  I have spent countless hours, training and jumping, to compete in 100's of horse shows.  I have won medals, ribbons, coolers, flowers, and an assortment of other trinkets.  I have enjoyed many hours of trails and incredible sights.  I swam with the horses all summer in the heat.  I have learned how to have a partnership with another being.  I have felt the wind in my hair (before helmets were a safety net) while galloping on any areas that were straight and flat. I have ridden in a mounted drill team.  The hours of joy far outweigh any risks for me.  The feeling of being one with the horse and flying over the ground are the most rewarding things ever.

As my mom would say, horses are in my blood, might as well enjoy them!

If you want to tame your anxiety, and would like some help, I wrote a book about my journey back from fear to courage that has the process I used to enjoy riding again.  Just click here!

I have a small community that supports those of us wanting to conquer our fear, would love to have you join us!  Free Courage Group!

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