Five Tips on How To Build Your Rider Confidence
I was going through finances and realized I had spent lots of MONEY for a horse to stand there and wait for me to show up.  I had thrown that money away instead of using it for my passion and joy of riding.

Like many of you, as riders with a burning passion for riding, we've made the courageous decision to reclaim our confidence in the saddle. Despite the fears and excuses that have held us back, our heart knows that we were born to ride. Now, it's time to create a mental prep process that will help us overcome our anxieties and rediscover the freedom for riding our horses!

Here are 5 tips:

Acknowledge The Fear

The first step is to acknowledge the fears and thank them.  They are trying to keep us safe. Write them down, speak them aloud, or share them with a trusted friend. By giving voice to your concerns, you're taking away some of their power over you.  We are not going to stay focused here.  We are going to leave them behind and plan our future!

Visualize Success

Spend time each day visualizing yourself confidently mounting your horse, riding with ease, and enjoying every moment in the saddle. This positive imagery can help rewire your brain and boost your confidence.

Develop a Pre-Ride Ritual

Create a calming pre-ride ritual that helps center your mind and prepare your body. This could include deep breathing exercises, gentle stretches, or a quiet moment of reflection with your horse.  Check out my pre-ride checklists if you would like some ideas!

Start Small

Begin with short, manageable riding sessions. Set achievable goals for each ride, gradually increasing the duration and complexity as your confidence grows. Celebrate every small victory along the way.

Focus on the Joy

Remind yourself why you love riding. Keep a journal (or at least mental notes if you are like me and don't journal), of your positive experiences and refer to them when doubts creep in. Let the joy of your passion outweigh your fears.

By creating and following your own mental prep process, you're taking a significant step towards reclaiming your confidence in the saddle. Remember, you were born to ride – and with patience, self-compassion, and determination, you'll rediscover the freedom and joy that horseback riding brings to your life.

You can hear my thoughts on my podcast, Turn Riding Fear Around, Episode 19: Mental Ride Prep Tips.


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