5 Steps on How to Get Back into Horse Riding After a Long Time
I realized I had not been riding since October and it was July.  I wanted to ride for my 60th birthday so I did!  I have done enough work on my courage and soaked up enough courage pennies that I felt great about it.  Michelle, my OTTB mare, seemed up for the first ride back in a while.

I know many of you have taken time off, whether to heal, financial, or just life, and would like some tips for getting back riding again.  

Here are my 5 steps that I used for this ride:

Begin with short, gentle rides - I didn't ride long or hard.  I just got on and really felt myself in the saddle, felt Michelle under me, walked and did some turns and played with some poles on the ground.  Nothing earth shattering from an outside perspective, but boy did it fill up my soul!

 Focus on your breathing - Before getting on, make sure your breathing is relaxed.  This time, I used Ferris Wheel breathing mode which is my favorite!  I have talked about that on one of my podcasts if you want to find out more.  (Episode 1 has the Ferris Wheel Breathing)

Practice mindfulness - mindfulness is so much fun to play with.  This is really simple. It just means, pay attention to you, your horse, your tack, as you are getting ready to ride.  Did your tack have any cracks?  Was your pad clean?  Did you horse have any sore parts as you groomed?  Did the hooves look good?  If you are really paying attention, you are not in your head with monkey brain, you are not going to miss a sign that you or your isn't ready to ride today.

 Set small, achievable goals - make it so you will feel accomplished.  This is different for everyone. My first rides back are usually 4 steps.  This last one, I did a few times at 50 feet.  Some people may really laugh at that but for me, it was like climbing to base camp of Mt. Everest.  Don't go the top, Set your goal for base camp.  Whatever that is for you.

Listen to your body - It was so hot the day I rode.  I hosed her off before so she would be cool.  I used my Frogg Toggs (if you don't know what one is, check it out here if you have heat, it works wonders!)

Enjoy your riding!!!!


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