How to Stop Anxiety While Riding a Horse
After my accident, I found that if the horse I was riding lifted its head a little bit, I got off.  The trigger for my fear was the start of a rear.  Like many of you that have some anxiety or fear, there is a trigger that starts our mind down the process of creating the fear.  Whether it be the horse speeding up a bit, or dropping its head like it might buck, or like me, lifting its head like it might rear, there is something that starts that spiral into fear.

Here are my favorite three things to stop the spiral and regain confidence:

1. Distract the mind.  I love playing games with my horse (and others if I am riding with company).  When we were little, my parents played games with us while driving and they have carried over into my riding.  "I'm taking a trip and in my bag I pack......" is one of my favorites.  I do something for me and then something for the horse and then me and then the horse.  Another one is playing "I Spy" to focus on where I am heading with my horse.  Create your own games to play!

2. Police Focus.  I learned this watching Binky at a police clinic.  They had the rider focus 100 feet ahead of them as they rode past all kinds of crazy things.  It was amazing how it worked.  Nervous horses and nervous riders we no match for crystal clear focus out in front of them.  I now know why my trainer was always yelling at us to LOOK UP, but they never explained why.

3.  Say as many nursery rhymes as you can remember.  This is a fun one too.  I started off, "Chilly Willy was a bear....." and then realized that didn't work and cracked up.  I had to look up "Fuzzy Wuzzy" when I got home.  I was amazed at how many I could remember and also how many I could not remember.

If you want to hear me talking about "Chicken Posting", another great way to distract the mind, it is on my latest podcast you can find here:  

The point of all of these is to keep the mind distracted from spiraling into the negative thoughts that lead to fear and anxiety.  It works for all kinds of things, not just riding.


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