When Binky first arrived at the farm, she was terrifying! She bit me in the middle of the back when I didn’t even know she was there, and kicked my other horse over on top of me—not once, but TWICE. I became a timid, terrified ball of nerves around my own horse.
I even slid their food under the pasture fence because I was too scared to go in the pasture. We were about to go on vacation, and I realized I couldn’t have someone else take care of her until I worked on fixing myself first. Yes, fix me to fix her.
I made a decision to tackle my anxiety head-on. But how? I realized that Binky had become the leader, and the only way I could fix the situation was for me to step up and become the leader. I turned my fear into a mental shift: I became Binky—in my head. I knew that if I truly believed I was the leader, I could keep myself safe and reset her emotions to a calm state, while showing her I was in charge.
I used a flag on a dressage whip as my "ears and tail" and walked into the pasture with food, waving the flag like a lunatic.
It worked. Binky was shocked, ran off, and I spent the next few weeks working with her. She transformed into the sweetest mare, still in charge of the other horses, but now relaxed and content to let me lead.
Take a moment to assess your leadership with your horse. What areas do you feel timid or unsure? Start shifting that fear and anxiety into confidence. Horses don’t want to be the leader—they want to relax and have someone they trust take charge. But we have to earn it. We need to show them we can keep them safe and provide for them.
If you would like a little help developing a plan to improve your leadership and reduce your anxiety, set up a free call to see if I can help you out! Just click here for a 15-minute chat.