How Can I Get Courage Fast?
I couldn't breathe, the horse was crushing me into the ground, and I just couldn't get my breathe.  I thought I should be terrified with the horse flipped on me, but it was like watching someone else.  The whole way to the hospital, I kept asking if I was dying.  I didn't think I would make it to the hospital.  The accident left very little physical damage thankfully, but the fear came in with a bang.  For the next 20 years, I was trying to squelch the fear and find my fearless kid again. Our lives can change in the blink of an eye.

What I didn't know then is that while fear can change our brain wiring in the blink of an eye, we don't have to waste a bunch of time, energy, money, etc. getting our courage back.  It really does make sense that if fear can come in that fast, reversing it should be quick too.  The real question is, is it possible to get courage back fast and the answer is yes.  

I was thinking of our mind as a giant room with really pretty filing cabinets all around.  In one corner is a bright red filing cabinet with a large sign over it, DANGER.  When we run into something that causes us fear, our subconscious takes it out of the pretty cabinets and puts it in red filing cabinet.  Using a process known as NLP, Neuro-Linguistic-Programming, we can pull that file out of the red filing cabinet and put it back into the pretty white one where it belongs.  I was still very skeptical.

I had a young lady that was terrified of spiders, so much so, it was hard for her to sleep.  I guided her through the process and in about 15 minutes, she was good and said she had no more fear.  We went outside and she went right up to a big spider.  There was 0 fear according to her.  We had pulled that "spider" folder out of the red filing cabinet and placed it back in the pretty white ones and she was so relieved.  It didn't take weeks or months of therapy or mindset work, it just took working with her subconscious to pull that file and put it back where it belonged.  We gave her a reset from her scary spider experience to like it never happened.

This is the first process I have seen that can get courage back FAST if someone wants their courage back.

If you would be interested in finding out more, let's have a 15-minute chat and see if it would be a good fit for your situation.  Just click here to get on my schedule.


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