I hit my funny bone when I was 5 and boy it wasn't very funny! I can still remember that day like it was yesterday. The tears streaming down my face, I ran into the house and my dad had me come over to him. I thought he was going to comfort me and wipe my tears......but not my dad. He stomped my foot. He said "now your elbow doesn't hurt anymore, right?" And we both CRACKED UP!!! It was a defining moment. He did this a lot when we were upset or had hurt ourselves. It really was a blessing to laugh through life.
One day, as I was feeling fear come up, I saw it as a cartoon and I started to laugh. It gave me the idea to look at the memories of my accident and see if I could turn the memories around to laughter! I succeeded. Now when I look back, I see a horse with ballet slippers and a tootoo, dancing around with me as his partner, lifting me up and dancing with me. Then I see the acme coyote and the road runner come into the picture and all acme caos breaks loose but when all the dust settles, there I am, riding off into the sunset with the road runner. It is powerful. Like many of you, we sit in our memories and our thoughts of what if all the negative stuff. Nobody says we have to stay there.
Here is how you can use laughter:
1. Recreate your memories so that they make you laugh, good ole belly laughing. Whatever makes you laugh, make that your memories. Nobody says we have to remember things the way they happen. I give you permission to recreate your memories!
2. Create a future that fills you with joy and laughter. I set a goal to laugh 400 times a day so that I am looking for things to laugh about but it is too big to measure. Find things every day that help you laugh through life. It isn't always easy, but it is always fun.
I share a lot about how I learned to laugh in my book, "Turn Your Family Around with Laughter" that you can get here, on Amazon.