How do horses see their owners?
Imagine for a moment that you could see yourself through your horse’s eyes. What would your horse think of you as their rider? As their caretaker? Horses are incredibly perceptive animals, attuned to our emotions, actions, and routines. If they could speak, what changes would they suggest for a better partnership and a better "us"?

Firstly, horses love consistency. They thrive on routines that provide a sense of security and predictability. Keeping exercise schedules, and grooming rituals consistent can help them feel more relaxed and cooperative. So, if your horse could speak up, they might commend you for your punctuality and consistency in caring for them.  On a side not, too much routine with feeding can increase stress.  I feed at all different times so my horses are relaxed and not standing there waiting for food.  If they were to comment, they would say, "oh hey, it is feeding time" instead of "where is she, she is late".  

Horses also value empathy and understanding. They would want us to leave our monkey thoughts at home, we don't need them and they want us present with them, not stuck in our monkey brain.  They might wish for more patience and sensitivity in handling. Horses are sensitive creatures, both physically and emotionally. They respond positively to gentle, calm interactions. Your horse might nudge you to be more aware of their body language and moods, urging you to adjust your approach accordingly.  My horses have clearly told me that want me in charge.  They can relax and don't have to be on guard when they know I am taking care of them and their surroundings.  This was a hard one for me to see through their eyes.  It wasn't about being kind or not, it was about them knowing my boundaries and that I would keep them safe no matter what and that required me to show them I am strong emotionally.

Furthermore, horses are athletes and partners, not just pets. They thrive on clear communication and respect. Your horse might suggest improvements in your communication skills, whether through refining your aids in riding or enhancing your ability to read their signals on the ground. Understanding their perspective can lead to a more harmonious and effective partnership.

Ultimately, if your horse could offer feedback, they might advocate for maintaining what already works well while refining areas where improvement is possible. They might cherish your reliability and care while gently nudging you towards deeper understanding and empathy. By putting yourself in your horse’s shoes, you can cultivate a relationship built on mutual trust, respect, and understanding—a partnership where both human and horse can thrive together.

For more on how I found my strength, I talk about it a lot in my free fear to courage support group.  I was so timid when I started and having this group has really helped others find their strength as well.  Join us here.


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