I was putting on my socks one day, and realized, I just didn't feel as good as I did as a kid. It was shocking and hit me like a ton of bricks. I wasn't as flexible, I wasn't as balanced, and I didn't have that amazing go anywhere, do anything energy I had when I was young. That energy that kept my parents hopping along after me.
When this realization came over me, I decided to change things and become that kid again, with how I felt. Here are the first four things I did on my journey to feeling great!
- The Red Drink. This is what gave me the energy to get the ball rolling toward feeling better. When you don't have energy, you have to do something to get energy. This consists of Ningxia Red, a delicious infusion of superfruits and essential oils; Sulfurzyme, great for joint support, immune support, circulation, bone, hair and skin; Lime Essential Oil, adds a zing and contains antioxidants; all mixed into 8 ounces of water. I love this drink and it gave me the energy to start my journey to health.
- Fix What You eat. You are what you eat became very apparent when I started this journey. I was suffering from inflammation and stiff joints, I was putting on some pounds, I just didn't feel well, and I didn't have much energy. I had to align my food with my body. I chose to cut out processed sugar and flour. I chose to learn how to eat for me, for my body, so that I would feel better.
- Move. I started moving to get flexibility and balance back. I don't think it is fair to have our horses try and carry us when we are not at our best. I started dancing through the pastures going out to feed. I started doing "Yoga in Jeans with Sam" which is really movement to help our bodies for riding. I skip, dance and wiggle walk just about everywhere I go. I swing my arms around and do swimmers circles as I walk. I move. The more I move, the better I feel.
I would love to have you join me on this journey to becoming the healthy rider your horse wants you to be. The ingredients for step one (with a few thrown in for the horse) can be found here, Healthy Rider. Join me on this journey to feeling like a kid again.