How many of you (of the wiser generation) dreamed of having Mr. Ed? I remember thinking, Wow, a horse that I could have conversations with! That would be the Bees Knees!!!! I really believed that it was possible, that it was the normal way of the horse and the human, I had the rose colored glasses on for sure! Communicating with your horse is powerful.
In steps my Co-riders, trainers, and others, always saying: "Show them who's the Boss", "Step up and be the Leader", "You can't let them get away with Anything", etc! How many times have I listened (and acted) but it just didn't seem right? More than I would like to admit and I still fall into that trap once in a while. Telling my horses to do something! There are times when you have to tell them, like when I was on a trail ride and saw a Rattle Snake, but it should be like a parent telling a child, once in awhile. Most of the time, it should be a two way conversation!
I listened to a popular trainer and was doing the things he told us to do, and my horse was getting more and more frazzled! It got to the point, I couldn't catch her in the pasture, if I did catch her and take her in to "WORK", she was a wreck, sweating, nervous, completely wanting to get away from me. It was like being slapped in the face! I DID THIS TO MY HORSE!
Well, I went on a mission to LEARN all I could and to have conversations with my horses and it has changed my life (and theirs)! I have amazing conversations with my horses now! It takes time, they really didn't trust that I was listening to them at first. They didn't "TRUST" that I was really hearing them and going to have a two way conversation.
Once I saw them starting to trust me, our relationship really started to blossom! My horses would come to the gate and put their heads in the halter, ready for whatever adventure was going to come our way! Mutually grooming became MUCH MORE Interactive! They would show me where they wanted scratched and I could point to my back and get the BEST back scratching EVER!!!! They are really good!!!!
The more our conversations blossomed, the more my courage returned riding them! My mares are calm, quiet, not buddy sour, not herd bound, and the best part, THEY ARE CURIOUS! I feel completely Blessed to be having true conversations with my horses. They don't always get what they want, again, think Parent and child relationship and I am responsible for their health and well being so I do have to do things they may not like. Treating wounds, trimming feet, staying safe riding, etc, but for the most part, we get to be PARTNERS in the joy now and it is worth everything to me!
I know you want to hear more, you made it this far! Here I talk about my 3 favorites in my goofy Youtube video, or, if you prefer you can read them in my Snippets!