We often think of ourselves as being able to hide our true feelings, our fear and anxiety, but when it comes to our horses, the truth is harder to conceal. Horses are highly intuitive animals. They can read our body language, pick up on subtle changes in our energy, and sense our emotional state in ways we may not even recognize.
Much like we might lie to ourselves—telling ourselves we're fine when we're stressed, or that we're confident when we're feeling anxious—our horses can sense when something is off. They don't hear our words in the way humans do, but they feel our energy. If we're anxious, that anxiety can manifest in our body language, posture, and even how we hold the reins. Horses, in their quiet wisdom, pick up on those cues. Next time you are feeling anxious, try this little experiment and see how your horse reacts: Sit up (or stand up) a little taller. Let that fill you up with a bit more confidence and watch the reaction of your horses.
We often lie to ourselves about our confidence, our abilities, or our readiness for a challenge. But our horses know the truth. They can feel when we’re not truly present with them, when our minds are elsewhere, or when we’re second-guessing ourselves. This is why they sometimes hesitate, act out, or become confused during a ride. It's not that they don't trust us—it's that they’re responding to the energy we’re giving off.
When we’re honest with ourselves and our horses, the connection becomes stronger. Being real with ourselves about where we are emotionally and mentally translates into a clearer, more trusting relationship with our horses. They know when we’re lying, but the beauty of it is, they’re always there, ready to help us find our truth and move forward—together.
Ready to reset your anxiety and help your horse find peace? When you are ready for deeper transformation that can shorten the time to confidence, let’s chat about hypnotherapy to reduce anxiety and bring a sense of calm back to your partnership with your horse. Click here to schedule a free call and see if this would be a good fit for you!