Are You Causing Your Mare's Marish Behavior?
In December 2019, I embarked on a mission to cleanse my life of toxins. The results were remarkable. I transitioned from experiencing hot flashes every 5-10 minutes to having none at all. Night sweats, which had plagued me nightly, vanished. I felt rejuvenated. At the same time, I was caring for a horse with liver issues, and I was advised to remove all toxins from her environment to aid her recovery. The transformation was astounding. My horse, once aggressive and unpredictable, became gentle and affectionate. Even my equine chiropractor noticed the remarkable change in behavior, comparing her newfound calmness to that of geldings.

Maintaining a toxin-free environment had become a routine for us, ensuring our well-being and harmony. However, an eye-opening experience made me realize just how significant this change was. During a routine clean-up, I stumbled upon six jars of SWAT, an insect repellent I had previously used. Despite my better judgment, I decided to use them for the summer instead of sticking to my newly established, toxin-free practices.

The results were almost instantaneous. Within 24 hours, I began to experience hot flashes and night sweats again. The mares, who had previously been calm and cooperative, suddenly reverted to their aggressive, territorial behavior. The peaceful farm atmosphere quickly descended into chaos, with tensions rising and tempers flaring.  It took me another few days to figure out what was going on while we all suffered.  

This unexpected turmoil drove home a powerful lesson: even seemingly small toxins can have significant impacts on our health and the well-being of those around us. The experience reaffirmed my commitment to maintaining a toxin-free lifestyle, proving that the changes I had made were not just beneficial but essential for harmony and health.

I challenge you to start going through the ingredients before replacing something and look up the ingredients.  See what is in the product you are using and what you are using on your horses too.  Just start switching stuff out as you go.  You will be amazing on the tranquility that descends on your farm.

I talk more about this on my latest podcast if you would like to listen to it.  TURN RIDING FEAR AROUND.


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