Can Reflecting on Our Rides, Help Us Overcome Fear and Anxiety?
I found myself wondering how I went from being a confident rider to the anxious fearful rider with just one accident.  There had been lots of falls before, but what was so special about this one?  It dawned on me that I had been focusing on it.  All the things that had gone wrong and how I had missed all the signs.  Like many of you, fears and anxiety build up over time because our focus changes from the joy to the mishaps.

I believe we can use reflection as a specific tool to overcome our fear and anxiety and get back to our joy riding again.

Reflection allows us to process our experiences more thoroughly. After a ride, take the time to think about what went well, and what could be improved. This not only reinforces positive experiences but also helps us understand and celebrate our progress.

Reflecting helps in identifying patterns or triggers for fear. By breaking down a ride into smaller segments, we can pinpoint specific aspects that cause anxiety. Was it environment, not enough preparation, our own thoughts gone astray, or something else? This insight is crucial for addressing fears with targeted strategies, such as extra practice or mental techniques like visualization.

Another benefit of reflection is boosting self-confidence. When we acknowledge our improvements and successes, however small, it reinforces a positive mindset. Soak up those COURAGE PENNIES!  (Grab my eBook for more on courage pennies here: Complimentary eBook) Celebrating these victories, no matter how minor, builds confidence and resilience, which are essential in overcoming fear.

Finally, regular reflection fosters a growth mindset. Instead of viewing challenges as setbacks, we can learn to see them as opportunities for growth. This shift in perspective can diminish the power of fear and anxiety, transforming them from obstacles into stepping stones.

In essence, reflecting on our rides offers valuable insights, reinforces positive experiences, and builds confidence. By embracing this practice, riders can better understand their fears and find effective ways to overcome them, ultimately enhancing their riding journey.

If you would like to hear my thoughts on this, you can find my Podcast, Turn Riding Fear Around here: PODCAST


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