Why am I not Motivated to Ride My Horse?
After my accident, I had more excuses than motivation to ride.  I became so creative in these elaborate excuses about anything and everything.  Then one day, I realized that was not living my dream.  I learned about visualization.

Visualization became my favorite technique for getting my motivation back.  My brain doesn't know the difference between reality and visualization, so my confidence really started to improve.  Use all the senses, even taste if you can.  The more senses you involve, the more vivid you make them, the more they will fill you up with courage.

Here is a sample of mine: I am riding down my favorite trail.  There is a light breeze I can feel on my arms gently keeping us cool.  The sunshine makes all the different greens and browns all around us shine.  The leaves in the trees flicker in the breeze making the trail look magical.  The flowers smell amazing and are all the colors of the rainbow.  I can feel the rhythm of the horse below me as my body moves like with a dance partner, covering the ground together.  My horse and I are breathing together as one as we have one of the loveliest rides I have ever had.  I can taste the different pine pollens that are being carried on the breeze.

Now, here are the steps to start creating your visualization:

1. Be specific about what you want to achieve.  Is it a trail ride, a competition, a discipline, whatever it is for you.

2. Find a quiet space: Really focus on your visualization.

3. Take deep breaths to calm your mind and body.

4. Engage all senses: Imagine not just what you see, but also what you hear, feel, smell, and taste.

5. Make it vivid: Include as many details as possible to make the experience feel real.

6. Practice regularly: Consistency is key. Set aside time each day for visualization.

7. Believe: Know that your vision will become reality.

Visualization is a powerful tool, but it only works when you use it to find your motivation and take action.

If you would like to hear my thoughts, it is on my Turn Riding Fear Around Podcast on most platforms or you watch it on Rumble or Youtube!  Watch here!


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