My horses have been plagued with issues and we have had MUD, lots of mud. That means time off for The Bay Girls. Sigh. I have used the time to play with umbrellas, work on low stress movement and relaxation for them, but it is just to slippery to ride. Although they do still race the pasture with my cringing the whole time. Have you had a break from riding and want some help getting back. I am planning on riding again this spring so I put together my plan to get there.
Here are the last 3 key steps in my plan:
4. Listen to your horse. Really get in touch with your horse and have conversations with them. Are they nervous, help them. Are they feeling really good, up the ground play and make it a little more challenging. Really get in tune with their body language and how you can affect them with your feelings. If you come to them with all the stress of your day, how do they react? If you are peaceful, are they different. This will help when you start riding to really be in tune and used to listening to them.
5. Be consistent. Not only with the time you are building them up to get them ready to ride, but also with your cues for everything. You are always training your horse, either to do what you want or to do what you don't want. This was a hard one for me. I was moving out of my horses space, slightly. And it didn't take long before she actually walked into me. I realized that I was moving away when I needed to be leader and hold my position energitally. My horses are so much happier when I am consistent in my movements, my emotions, the way I act around them, and my cues.
6. Get proffessional help if you have any doubts. Don't be afraid to ask for help. There is so much available to us now with the internet, that even out in the middle of nowhere, we can get help. I follow several training programs from hoof trimming to ground play and riding. It really helps.
I am happy with my plan and have started working through it. I have a support community that is doing Spring Bingo, getting ready for riding this spring together and we are having so much fun. If this sounds like something you might like, would love to have you join us! Spring Bingo here!