That beautiful evening trail ride, which ended just 60 seconds after I mounted the horse when he flipped on me, changed who I was inside my head. Before the accident, I loved riding on the trails. The freedom and the flow with the horse through beautiful country felt it would last forever. But after those 60 seconds, everything changed.
I started questioning myself: Why had that moment affected me so much? As I looked deeper into it, I began to examine my self-talk, and it was like a light went on. So many times, the dialogue in our heads is far harsher than anything we would ever say out loud to others. And mine? It was filled with thoughts like, “I'm not good enough to ride.” “What if I get hurt?” and “Maybe I’m not cut out for this.” I was talking myself out of enjoying the very thing that once brought me peace and joy.
These negative thoughts are the dreams killers—the things we tell ourselves that slowly fade our passions and hold us back.
Here are a few things you can do to change your self-talk:
1. Know What You Are Saying
First, recognize what you're telling yourself. Write it down and take time to reflect on the soundtrack that loops in your mind. Just getting it out on paper is a powerful first step. Acknowledging the negative self-talk is key to changing it. Remember, there’s hope for transformation once you become aware of it.
2. Reframe the Self-Talk
After identifying the negative thoughts, work on reframing the words. Write a new script for yourself and practice saying it out loud. For example, instead of thinking, “What if I get hurt?” try “I am confident and capable. I trust my skills and my horse.” Shifting the narrative in your mind will change the way you show up in the world.
3. Practice, Practice, Practice
Think back to school days when we had to write things over and over—“I will not talk in class”—well, the same principle applies. Once you’ve reframed your self-talk, practice it consistently. Write it down repeatedly, say it aloud in front of a mirror, or even speak it to your horse. Over time, these positive script and reframe, will become your new internal dialogue.
Whatever you do, remember this: Change is possible. And it is incredibly rewarding to feel empowered and positive again. By shifting how we talk to ourselves, we unlock the potential to live our dreams with confidence.
Need help making lasting changes in your life? I have other exercises like this in my Courage Coaching. Click here to find out if it's a good fit for you!