How Gratitude Removes Fear
My friends were leaving on a trail ride, and I sat there watching them go, fighting my fear.  Part of me wanted to go with them so bad but my fear said, NO WAY....just sit here safe.  As the tears streamed down my face, and I was feeling sorry for myself, something in me shifted.  I actually had time now to ride in the arena and just play with my horse.  A feeling of gratitude started to fill me up.

That feeling of gratitude started me on a path to cultivating gratitude.  I am not good at gratitude journals, or journals of any kind really, so I had to get more creative in feeling gratitude, especially for my fear, and it became really fun.  The more I filled up with gratitude, the less room there was for fear.

Here are a few ways that you can start filling up with gratitude and pushing out the fear:

1. Gratitude Grooming.  For those that have horses, put the intention to feel gratitude for all the little things while you groom.  The hair, the muscles in both you and the horse, feeling the breathing of both of you.  Find as many things as you can while you groom.  If you don't have horses, or want a different one, take a walk and find as many things as you can to be grateful for.
2. Reverse Complaints.  When you catch yourself with a complaint, reverse it into a gratitude.  Here is my example from today.  Complaint: I have to work next week instead of spending the time with the grandkids.  Gratitude:  I have an amazing job that I love, and it helps to pay for our farm where the grandkids get to have some amazing experiences.  After I did this, I felt so much better!!!  I will be an example of loving what I do.  I am grateful I will still get to spend 6 or so hours a day with them. I am grateful I have all kinds of fun things planned.  I am grateful they are coming for a visit.
3. Share You Gratitude with Others.  Whether quietly or shouting from the rooftops, share your gratitude with others. It will start a gratitude ripple with more and more people feeling good.

I would love to read your gratitude practices if you would like to put them in the comments!  


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