Wanting to Feel Like a Kid Again?
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Five Ways to Feel like a Kid Again!I want to feel GOOD!
I realized, I was in control of how I felt!
Not feeling good, crept up on me.  I was putting on my socks one day, and realized, I had to sit down to put on my sock!  It was a shock, a slap in the face!  The more I moved and played with it, I realized, I had become more like a board than a rag doll.  I didn't FEEL GOOD!

My mind was the key to feeling better.  I know, that sounds crazy but it really is a mind game.  Research, trial and error, and more error.  There were many facets to feeling good again and I was the only person that could make that happen.  I had to take responsibility!

First of all, I got rid of toxins!  This helped a LOT!!!  Funny story in one of my blogs about this.  No more hot flashes was a bonus!

I had to find healthy products!  This was easy and became a stream of income that helped pay for my horse habit.  Win all the way around.

I had to eat for me, for my body.  This wasn't easy but boy was it rewarding!  I created my very own dessert that is SO GOOD!  No processed food which is a huge bummer and I no longer eat fast food for the most part.  All I can say, I FEEL GREAT!  I am dancing again!  I am riding again!





The Red Drink!
Energy for doing all the things!
I love how I feel drinking this and it helps my skin too!
Hot Flashes be GONE!
I love riding without hot flashes!
Here is the Wishlist for how I conquered Hot Flashes!