Tired of Cranky Mares and Grumpy Geldings?
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3 Ways to Detox Your Tack Room
Be Your Horses Advocate!
I learned the hard way, after 12 hoof abscesses in 5 months!

I realized after having horses for 50 years, just how little I knew.  It was a slap in the face and a gut punch, all rolled into one.  I am not done learning, but I am now my horse's advocate.  I don't have trainers and barn managers to take care of the details.  

I moved my horse's home.

There are the key areas that all horse owners should learn and be able to work with the professionals to achieve:

1. Horses hooves.  Know what a good hoof is supposed to look like and then make sure the professionals are working towards that goal or find a new one.  (Or as in my case, learn how to trim your horse's feet).  I went from 12 abscesses in 5 months because of bad trims to one or two in 5 years since I learned how to trim.  They still happen and I am not perfect trimming, but I am better knowing what a healthy hoof is supposed to look like.

2. Horses nutrition.  Now what ratios horses are supposed to get in vitamins and minerals.  Know what their hay contains.  Know what supplements they need and don't need.  Many are a complete waste of money.  I am still learning.  I am still making mistakes, but I am so much better than just trusting those taking care of my horses.

3. Get rid of TOXINS.  My mares are so calm and quiet.  My Chiropractor didn't want to come when he found out I have three mares, he said he doesn't like to work on mares.  After he came, he said I should be a mare manager at the Thoroughbred farms he works at.  My secret?  I got rid of all toxins.  Feed, grooming, cleaning, pest control.  I was SHOCKED at the list of ingredients in commercial products I was using.  A side benefit, it also reduced my hot flashes to...ZIP!  If you would like to read about my really funny toxin story, click here!

You are your horse's voice.  Speak up.  That was so hard for me, but they count on us.




Favorite Horse

DIY Fly Spray!
About $10 per 24 oz bottle!
Here is the blog with the ingredients and a link to the product that are for your area!
DIY Wound Care
So Easy to Make!
Here is the Wishlist for the wound care must haves!